Chlo­rine Diox­ide Solu­tion (CDS)

Chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion, also known as “CDS”, has been used for more than 100 years to dis­in­fect drink­ing water because it effec­tively elim­i­nates bac­te­ria, viruses and other pathogens by oxi­da­tion.

Many people have made use of this prop­erty in recent years through inter­nal or exter­nal appli­ca­tion. Many stud­ies prove the suc­cess­ful use against flu viruses such as influenza and coro­n­avirus, as well as bac­te­r­ial infec­tions and colds. In addi­tion, CDS is pH-neu­tral in its appli­ca­tion and thus has an ener­giz­ing effect.

How­ever, the self-respon­si­ble han­dling and dosage of CDS is not quite easy, since var­i­ous fac­tors such as antiox­i­dants or sen­si­tiv­ity are very impor­tant. Also the reg­u­lar intake at night in acute dis­eases is very effort­ful.

Inges­tion alter­na­tive

For this reason, I have cre­ated an alter­na­tive to the oral intake of chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion in numer­ous exper­i­ments, tested and refined again and again. This resulted in glob­ules informed and ener­gized with chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion in a glass tube.

CDS Energy Glob­ules

Energy glob­ules are subtle informed energy car­ri­ers. By car­ry­ing the glob­ules close to the body, an effect is pro­duced which is equiv­a­lent to oral inges­tion of chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion.

The amount of CDS is deter­mined autonomously between the glob­ules and the person car­ry­ing them at any time, depend­ing on the sen­si­tiv­ity and phys­i­cal con­di­tion of the person. The effect of the glob­ules is only trans­ferred to the person when antiox­i­dants do not neu­tral­ize the effect. This ensures very good tol­er­a­bil­ity as well as easy and sus­tain­able han­dling.

The glob­ules are nei­ther med­i­cines nor food sup­ple­ments. The use of the glob­ules can not replace a visit to the doctor or prac­ti­tioner and is done at your own respon­si­bil­ity.

CDS Energy Glob­ules

Informed and ener­gized
glob­ules in a glass tube
includ­ing ship­ping



Carry the CDS Energy Glob­ules max­i­mum 5 cm away from your body, for exam­ple in your jacket or trouser pocket. You can also hold the tube in your hand or hang it in a small pouch around your neck. Keep in mind that it is a glass tube, which can break if a larger force is applied.

The glob­ules must remain sealed in the glass tube so that they keep their effect. Then you can use them for a life­time.

Please also note the fol­low­ing points:

  • do not ingest
  • do not dis­solve in water
  • do not con­t­a­m­i­nate
  • do not decant
  • pro­tect from heat
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