My Path
In the middle of 2018, I had the good fortune to get to know the Alignment and also experienced it on my own body. My leg length difference of over two centimeters, which had “accompanied” me since childhood with unloved shoe raises, was just gone. My extreme scoliosis and my tensions as well.
But much more impactful for me was the transformation my body and mind went through during the Alignment. The lightness and freedom is back in my life. I feel balanced, grounded and connected to nature. I have let go of all the things that were weighing me down.
I realized that there is more than what we sense or what our eyes reveal to us. That’s why I did the training for the Alignment in 2019 to pass on the gift of the energetic Alignment to others. I quit my job as software developer and product manager at the end of 2020 and I am now following my calling.
In 2022, I completed an online master class led by Andreas Kalker to specialize in CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) therapies. This comprehensive training has equipped me with more knowledge in alternative holistic healing modalities.
Recently, I finished a 200-hour yoga teacher training. This experience deepened my understanding of the mind-body connection and furthered my passion for holistic practices. I would love to share this knowledge with everyone.
We have to take care of our health and our lives ourselves, no one else will do it. And when we need support, it is always at hand, such as in form of the Alignment or Clearing.