
The Align­ment can help you with all dis­eases caused by a blocked energy flow in the body. Back pain, ten­sion, joint prob­lems, sco­l­io­sis and organ dis­eases can be treated pos­i­tively. Headache, migraine, tin­ni­tus, sleep dis­or­ders and diges­tive prob­lems can also be cured or eased by the Align­ment.

The spir­i­tual Align­ment is a quick and pain­less method for resolv­ing con­flicts on the spir­i­tual-emo­tional level and the result is imme­di­ately vis­i­ble phys­i­cally: a straight and aligned spine, equal­ized leg lengths, adjusted shoul­der blades and a straight pelvis.

Chakra Analy­sis

Your life energy and your self-heal­ing powers are strongly affected by imbal­ances and block­ages in your ener­getic system. This often man­i­fests itself through phys­i­cal symp­toms such as ten­sion, diges­tive prob­lems, sleep dis­or­ders and exhaus­tion or through emo­tional aspects such as stress or list­less­ness.

By iden­ti­fy­ing the causes and tar­geted ener­getic cleans­ing and bal­anc­ing of the entire system, the heal­ing of the prob­lems as well as the emo­tional back­ground can be effec­tively sup­ported. You also have more strength, energy, sta­bil­ity and you are ready for daily life.

CDS Energy Glob­ules

Chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion, also known as “CDS”, has been used for more than 100 years to dis­in­fect drink­ing water because it effec­tively elim­i­nates viruses, bac­te­ria and other pathogens.

Many people have suc­cess­fully made use of this prop­erty in recent years. How­ever, the han­dling and dosing of chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion is not easy.

There­fore, CDS informed and ener­gized glob­ules in a glass tube were cre­ated as an alter­na­tive to inter­nal appli­ca­tion. Car­ry­ing CDS Energy Glob­ules close to the body pro­duces an effect equiv­a­lent to the oral inges­tion of chlo­rine diox­ide solu­tion.

Energy Clear­ing

People want an oasis of tran­quil­ity and relax­ation at home and a place of con­cen­tra­tion and moti­va­tion at work.

How­ever, it is not always pos­si­ble to fill homes and work­places with good energy. One of the rea­sons for this is elec­tros­mog, caused by trans­mis­sion masts and wire­less net­works such as WiFi, which pol­lutes our ambi­ence and can have a harm­ful effect on our health in the long term.

Let the pol­lu­tion in your home or work­place be cleared and trans­formed into pow­er­ful and heal­ing ener­gies.

Healthy through energetic healing, the first step is so easy

Energy is circular

Everything you do to heal yourself heals others.

Everything you do to heal others heals you.

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