Spir­i­tual Align­ment

The Align­ment is one of the most effec­tive treat­ments for any kind of prob­lems caused by a blocked energy flow in your body.

Back pain, slipped discs, ten­sion, joint prob­lems as well as organ dis­eases orig­i­nate in the spine, since the supply of the organs and all essen­tial con­trol cen­ters run via the cen­tral ner­vous system in the spinal cord within the spinal canal. Headache, migraine, tin­ni­tus, sleep dis­or­ders and diges­tive prob­lems are also trig­gered there.

The spine of most people is not straight and aligned, but dis­placed or twisted. This is easily vis­i­ble through leg length dif­fer­ence, vary­ing shoul­der heights and pelvic obliq­uity. Not only mis­align­ments on a phys­i­cal level, but also emo­tional dishar­monies and block­ages are inevitable con­se­quences.

Through the spir­i­tual Align­ment all these prob­lems can be healed or eased. Espe­cially preg­nant women and their unborn child will profit from the Align­ment: the child comes into the world aligned and with a straight spine.


Humans have a very high self-heal­ing power. But some­times it requires the right sup­port to reg­u­late our­selves. A heal­ing impulse, as in the spir­i­tual spinal Align­ment.

The self-heal­ing power and the regen­er­a­tive capac­ity of the body are nowhere more evi­dent than after the Align­ment, as far as the free will of the person allows.

The heal­ing ini­ti­a­tion is pain­less and with­out any con­tact and man­i­fests within sec­onds.

Per­ma­nent effect

The Align­ment is an imme­di­ately vis­i­ble and suc­cess­ful spir­i­tual heal­ing: a straight and aligned spine, equal­ized leg lengths, adjusted shoul­der blades, and a straight pelvis. Body, spirit and soul become a har­monic unity again through the Align­ment.

The spir­i­tual Align­ment is usu­ally done only once. Its effect is per­ma­nent and last­ing, because the spir­i­tual-emo­tional cause was healed and not only treated at the symp­tom level.

Leg length difference of about 2 cm before the Alignment
Leg length difference of about 2 cm before the Alignment
Leg lengths equalized after the Alignment
Leg lengths equalized after the Alignment

Over 500,000 people worldwide have experienced the miracle of the Alignment.

Now you do too!



Adults and
Teenagers from 16

200 150

Infants, Chil­dren and
Teenagers up to 15


Dogs and Horses,
simply all ani­mals

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