My Path

In the middle of 2018, I had the good for­tune to get to know the Align­ment and also expe­ri­enced it on my own body. My leg length dif­fer­ence of over two cen­time­ters, which had “accom­pa­nied” me since child­hood with unloved shoe raises, was just gone. My extreme sco­l­io­sis and my ten­sions as well.

But much more impact­ful for me was the trans­for­ma­tion my body and mind went through during the Align­ment. The light­ness and free­dom is back in my life. I feel bal­anced, grounded and con­nected to nature. I have let go of all the things that were weigh­ing me down.

Daniel Schneider

I real­ized that there is more than what we sense or what our eyes reveal to us. That’s why I did the train­ing for the Align­ment in 2019 to pass on the gift of the ener­getic Align­ment to others. I quit my job as soft­ware devel­oper and prod­uct man­ager at the end of 2020 and I am now fol­low­ing my call­ing.

In 2022, I com­pleted an online master class led by Andreas Kalker to spe­cial­ize in CDS (Chlo­rine Diox­ide Solu­tion) ther­a­pies. This com­pre­hen­sive train­ing has equipped me with more knowl­edge in alter­na­tive holis­tic heal­ing modal­i­ties.

Recently, I fin­ished a 200-hour yoga teacher train­ing. This expe­ri­ence deep­ened my under­stand­ing of the mind-body con­nec­tion and fur­thered my pas­sion for holis­tic prac­tices. I would love to share this knowl­edge with every­one.

We have to take care of our health and our lives our­selves, no one else will do it. And when we need sup­port, it is always at hand, such as in form of the Align­ment or Clear­ing.

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